Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Kay, I dun feel like talking about my life today, and I just found this random quiz on HL's blog so I decided to do it for fun too. Don't expect anything humorous in my answers though, I was never the type with good sense of humour. I'm just doing them...seriously. Yeah. _______________________________________________ Mark the stupid things you've done, then add up the number of questions you marked. This test is out of 100 questions which means that the number you get as your score is your percentage. 1. [ ] Forgot to put the lid on the blender, turned it on, and had everything fly out. ~ I did expect the blender to work when I forgot to plug it in though. 2. [ ] Gotten your head stuck between the stair rails. ~ ... 3. [ ] Broken a chair by leaning back in it. ~ I'm heavy but not THAT heavy. 4. [ ] Had gum fall out of your mouth while you were talking. ~ I hate gum. 5. [x] Choked on your own spit while you were talking. ~ I think I did. 6. [ ] Had people tell you that you are blonde when you're not, or had people tell you that your blonde highlights are going to your head. ~ Huh. 7. [x] Been caught staring at your crush by your crush. ~ Almost always. He's a sharp guy. 8. [x] Have looked for something for at least 5 min then realized it was in your hand. ~ Inherited it from my grandfather. 9. [x] Tried to push open a door that said pull. ~ The Choa Chu Kang Library. (Same as you, HL) 10. [x] Tried to pull open a door that said push. ~ Library door and some random store. 11. [ ] Have actually believed someone when they said that they knew how to make a love-potion. ~ I didn't believe in potions at all. 12. [x] Have hit yourself in the process of trying to hit something else ~ Yeah I dunno what I was trying to hit anyway. 13. [ ] Have tripped and fallen UP the stairs. ~ Some grav force gone haywire? 14. [ ] Have actually exploded marshmallows in the microwave ~ I dont eat marshmallows. 15. [ ] Have gotten gum stuck in your hair ~ ...I hate gum. 16. [] Had gum fall out of your mouth while trying to blow a bubble ~ I said I hate gum. 17. [ ] Have had the juice from a mini tomato squirt out and hit somebody else when you bit into it. ~ Too bad, it was from an orange. 18. [ ] Have had your drink come out your nose because you were laughing so hard. ~ Uh... 19. [x] Have called one of your good friends by the wrong name ~ They were twins. 20. [ ] Have skinned your toe because you were playing soccer or kickball with flip flops on or you were barefoot ~ I'm never the sporty type. 21. [ ] Have put a sticker on your forehead, forgot it was there, and went out in public with it on. ~ Interesting. 22. [x] Have fallen out of a moving vehicle. ~ When some idiot suddenly stopped before me while I was cycling. 23. [ ] Have run into a closed door. ~ Almost. (Did question 24 disappear?) 25. [ ] Searched for your cell phone while you were talking on it. ~ Funny, no. 26. [x] It has taken you longer than 5 min to get a joke. ~ Inherited my bad sense of humour from my parents. And sometimes I don't get a joke at all too, HL. 27. [ ] Have gotten your hair stuck in a blow dryer. ~ I hate those things. I prefer "The Natural Way". 28. [ ] Have gotten your hair stuck in a fan. ~ What the...? 29. [x]Tripped on a crack in the sidewalk. ~ Duh. 30. [ ] Said o'clock after saying how many min after the hour, example: 5:30 o'clock, or 6:15 o'clock. ~ ...? 31. [ ]After someone told you that there was gum on the ground, you stepped on it. ~ Too bad mine was a cockroach. Oh dang gtg really gtg reaaaaalllyyyyy cya! Bye! Nighties.
1. Who was the last person to call you baby?
~ My parents.
2.When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
~ I do.
3. If you had to kiss the last person you kissed, would you?
~ Ask me ten years later, would'ya?
4. Has someone ever sang a song to you?
~ You know, if Az's randomness can be considered...
5. Do you play Sudoku?
~ It kills my brain cells.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive?
~ Hope so.
7. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you would do?
~ Stop, drop and roll.
8. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
~ Uh, my mom?
9. Who do you text the most?
~ Endro, I guess.
10. Who last said they loved you?
~ Nobody.
11.What color are your eyes?
12. How tall are you?
~ Next question.
13. Do you like your parents?
~ It depends.
14. Do you secretly like someone?
~ Yes.
15. Why did your last relationship end?
~ Things happen. And I'm not in a relationship in the first place.
16. Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
~ Nobody.
17. Favorite sex?
~ ???
18. Where was the furthest place you travelled?
~ Dreamland.
19. Do you like mustard?
~ Do you?
20. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
~ Both.
21. Do you look like your mom or dad?
~ Dad.
22. How long does it take you in the shower?
~ 5min to 30 min. Depends on my mood.
23. Can you do splits?
24. What movie do you want to see right now?
~ Naruto Shippuuden Movie 5.
25. Do you think The Grudge was crappy?
~ ???
26. Was your mom a cheerleader?
~ *Faints*
27. What's the last letter of your middle name?
~ Honestly, I don't know.
28. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
~ 5 - 6 hours.
29. Do you like care bears?
~ No.
30. Do you hate chocolate?
~ I love them.
31. What do you and your parents fight about the most?
~ Freedom and authority.
32. Are you a gullible person?
~ I can be. CAN be.
33. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?
~ Maybe that's the case with Ant. I'm okay with anything.
34. Are you easy to get along with?
~ If the other side is.
35. What is your favorite time of day?
~ Night.
36. What is your most hated time of the day?
~ 3.00 a.m. in the morning.
36. Are you a generally happy person?
~ *Shrugs* A little better than sec 1 I guess.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Oh no I've been lagging so much on my posts recently...so sorry for my blog lol. Been busy. I know what my online bro will be saying though.
"Era hasn't been taking good care of you, eh?"
Nah, I promise I will. When I'm in the mood to - and if my mom doesn't keep lingering on her mood swings every single day, just like what my dad says..."making herself angry when there isn't the need to." Oh well. I've gotten used to her stuff already. The main trick is to try and block out those negative influences which attack your auric or energy field, by strengthening them and visualizing something else; something like retreating deeper into yourself and your own world so you don't get affected too much by those negative energies.
Works for me.
Well it was just an experiment. After the first two times I lost control, I realized it wasn't all up to my dad to be there to keep us a safe distance apart in our moots. For one thing, he can't be really there, and I'm not having the authority (and strength lol - too lazy) to try and change my mom's personality at some point. I guess that just leaves me with the only option to adapt. That's how we live in this world anyway.
And now I can actually take it! Yea yea her words are still the same old piercing intensity that leaves your heart feeling like it's "just been removed of a thousand needles" (sigh, copyrighted Emo Fox from Naruto fandom), the tired, aching feeling, but at least now I'm somewhat capable of dulling them until they feel like mere blunt sparks of pain. Sometimes a word or two gets through, but...at least it's not as bad as before. I don't feel the bursting mixture of emotions within me anymore. Just staying in myself until the shelling is over lols, enjoying my own time, going on my own explorations, no need to worry about losing control over myself.
You see, the principle is, you won't feel much if somebody is siding with you or scolding some other person for something having totally no connection with yourself - putting it simply, you don't feel the need to defend yourself at any rate. But when an admonishment is directed at you, strangely, you just feel something. That unbearable feeling if it overturns the lid. It's the same way as psychic attacks; negative energy directed at your field, just that PAs are even more of sophisticated underground work than babbled words. Yup, so you just need to figure out the best way that works for you - the best way to block these things out and woot you stay least unaffected, if things go right.
Haha okay, I seem to have gotten a bit too in-depth into my own thoughts for now. I didn't feel like saying all these stuff, but since it may come into use someday for you guys too, I might as well share it. Who knows? We're all fellow humans for now. We undergo about the same things and walk towards the same ending.
No, I'm not talking about death.
Just the way everything has to come to an end.
Brings me to another issue. Yes, my mom again. One thing I can't really accept in my comprehension of her is the way she lives with the terrible need to rush through everything; work, eating, bathing, sleeping, getting here and there, talking - hell, basically every single thing you find in life. She just has to find a way to shorten the original time we could take. We're not allowed to talk much during meals (with exceptions of times whereby she's in a good mood), time should be saved for work and study; not allowed to go around at our normal pace, or what she thinks as "slow".
I once saw this poem Damini sent to me (was it Damini? Ah nvrm), written by a hospitallized girl somewhere round the globe, I didn't really believe she really wrote that but whoever created it certainly has a good heart, and it was titled "Slow Dance". A little pessimistic, but it really does reflect so well an aspect of the reality we're living in.
It's all about life being a dance. The world we're living in is our dance floor, the music our life, our time, our meaning behind ourselves. We dance upon the ground of our own world. And of course, there never is a dance that goes on forever. There never is a piece of music that never reaches its final cadence. There never is a specific feeling that comes to us more than once. Everything is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, for the next time we encounter it, it'll be a different experience due to our different selves - due to growth, and change.
Simple stuff like lollipops. When you were young, they were magnificent things; wonderful, sweet, colourful, as though you could lick a whole rainbow out of it and that what's at the end of the rainbow is just another magical pot full of these wonderful things. And then you grow, and grow, and older and older you become. You change. Then finally one day you look back at that colourful swirl and you no longer feel the fantasy in it as you used to.
It just leaves me feeling a little sour that people all around us are running and gasping for air with every step they take in their lives. They don't stroll, like what we would do in a place whose beauty deserves a certain degree of recognisation. They leap, they hop, they attempt to fly, anything that's fast and could beat others to the goal. It's all changed from walking in the nature to taking an aeroplane and zooming past all the miles of stunning scenery in a mist of white blurry clouds; to reach a destination, fast, and then only to run off towards another.
All the things we've missed inbetween. Dance. Fumbling through with the steps until you finished the whole sequence, and the music continues playing, and then you realise you've got nothing to do but sit through the rest till the end. Take a change. Why don't you savour every move, feel how curious the skills of a choreographer like life really is?
Come on. Life isn't just about how much time you save, and how little time you take to complete things within your field of duty.
Life isn't just about being efficient.
Life is about what you learn and understand from all the things you do, and all the different multi-dimensional meanings that add to your growth with time.
It's about your depth, and how you add to it.
Honestly it's really the process that matters. Everyone reaches the same final goal in the end anyway - sure, we have different aims throughout, different roads to walk, but things aren't gonna work any much different if you squash up your time table with just about the same sort of things as another person, who has greater heart for appreciating, puts in his. And he, in truth, gains more from his journey.
For one thing, you may consider this to be lazy talk, it's up to you. I'm just not the type of person like my mom; I hate rushing, I hate being too hasty in everything I do. Yes, it's true that I tend to plan out my timetable if I've got something like a deadline somewhere, and that I tend to slot in adequate allowance time so that I'm not late due to unexpected incidents, but I never rush unnecessarily.
There are exceptions, of course, when rushing becomes part of our dance. But it's only a small part, and not all the time. Running through the plains, for example, running for what you see, running for what you hear, for what you feel. It's running for yourself, and others.
I guess I have to stop this endless metaphysical cycle for now. It's getting late, and I should talk about my life these few days.
Az said her's was a pig, oh multiple reasons. I shall not provide examples cuz life has been a pig for both of us recently. And Cherlynn's got chicken pox; I think it's from me, even though I came back only when I got the doctors permission - so don't blame me too much lol. Chicken pox symptoms take one to two weeks before showing, so most likely Cher caught it either the same time as I did, or before. I don't deny the possibility that I spread it to her though.
Gosh, I wonder what Mrs Chia will say.
Ah well, if Cher needs help, I think I just have to help her out as compensation for the all trouble I (possibly) caused.
Anyway, guitar camp just ended on Tuesday, it was surprisingly fun. XD I never really liked camps, but this one was up to my expectations. Somehow I didn't bother too much about the sleeping and bathing - we had enough time to bathe, though I only showered, and we all had showers to ourselves btw. Unlike Sec 1 Orientation camp. We used buckets then - how inspired the PSLs can be, eh?
And certainly much better than NCC camp, whereby we could only clean ourselves with damp towels and rush here rush there - I said I hated rushing.
Haha Guitar was so much different. Great food (funny how Mr Chua bought all the refreshments during the Fuchun pri visit! :D), nice movie (actually it was my second time watching August Rush, but I still liked it anyway), great friends, friendly seniors, funny Mary, effective icebreakers, comfortable timetables. And fun campfire! I got to know the ensem a whole tad better now.
I have to admit this two days one night camp was really a big success. And I did improve a bit in my guitar playing btw.
Oh and Jia Hui threw a balloon at Mr Chua! Hahahahahaa...He's a funny man really. Thanks Jia Hui, for the start of that awesome joke. XD
And Mary had an interesting session trying to entertain the sec ones the first day.
Aha there was another thing about Mr Chua's guitar tuners too. Apparently the ensem has been losing all his tuners so he's been buying one after another to replace all the lost things...and he claimed that the current one he had, which Zhen Ling almost forgot to return to him (again), was his eleventh. Oh my that sounds terrible. XD
OH and I'm so getting obsessed with Naruto manga! File 440 totally got me. Yondaime is...wow. He seems like a great father, and I like the way he interacts with his son. So loving, and they have the same characteristics! ^^ Funny, free-spirited, playful, kind...
Nice plot going out there, Kishimoto-sama!
Can't wait for 441. And apparently the next shippuuden episode isn't up on pps stream yet, so I guess I'll just have to wait for now. I drew the first page for my fanmade naruto manga. It wasn't as bad as my first few attempts with my own stories, I had fun with the proportions. I plan to keep it, not put it up on Otaku - I don't think it's professional enough yet. LOL. Refine, refine...
I have trouble with proportions from more...advanced perspectives. Lols. And of course, I still need to refine my sense of basic human proportion in different poses too. I certainly lack the feel on that.
Oh no it's late. Gtg. Gd night and sweet dreams!
Btw I had four weird dreams recently, on end, so I think I'll write about them in my next post. Don't keep your hopes up too high though. I seem to have unfortunately gotten some weird version of short-term memory.
Life's a pig.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
My blog was dead.
Hmm...so well, yea, first things first...I managed to get selected for the Jap immersion programme! XD Zera-san too. They chose 20 ppl for moelc I think. We have to attend this opening ceremony on 1st April, get introduced to our buddies, and then host them in sch from 3rd to 4th april. That's interesting. My parents wanted me to try out for the Sapporo Jap immersion programme, which comprises 2 parts (Playing host at Sg and being hosted at Sapporo), a both parts are "must-attend", and u have to pay about $1500 plus around $50 for tickets, taxes and personal expenses.
I don't think I'll have a good chance of getting chosen for this immersion prog since I already got the first one. Most likely they'll give the chance to somebody else who hasn't been chosen for any imm prog yet.
Anyways...I was rewatching naruto these few days again. I dunno, Tiffy says I'm obsessed, and I guess she's right. Well, nothing's wrong with being obsessed for awhile. Jia Hui's with Audi. Tiff was with Kaitou Kid and I think she still is. Az? I'm not so sure though. Her curious eccentricity - perfect disguise. Denise with writing. Me? Many things! Drawing, naruto, bucking up for math (naw not really obsessed with it...just a bit more energetic), painting, reading, TOSHIRO MASUDA'S MUSIC, blahblah...(not so much of writing for now, more into learning proportions and other drawing basics).
Hehe. I'm listening to this tune by Toshiro-san that's titled ナルトの日常. LOL yes it's from Naruto soundtrack. So dang funny. Very lighthearted song...reminds me of Naruto in his pyjamas and that cute black nightcap and just waking up to ramen. Aw man. I wonder how Toshiro composed all these stuff.
Okay. I think that's enough for now. I gtg...apparently I had CARELESS MISTAKES in the math I did yesterday so my dad was unhappy. Ah well it's still better than "dunno how to do", like last time. But I guess my carelessness still stuck with me through since p1.
Kay, so night, cya, bye~!
Thanks to all the blogs the designer referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities