Thursday, February 17, 2011
Yeap, it's as the title implies. Some things happened over CNY that shook my life a bit but left me feeling better than ever.
Most importantly: I realised I love my parents! Very much! You know it makes me feel so relieved to be able to say that finally. I have been bottling that up within myself, fed with so many false perceptions (half of which is caused by my own issues) that I got so confused for a long time before this. Remember when I used to emo so much about how life sucks and everything? Well I figured out that I was the Confused type of Emo, not the ohgoshmylifesucksIwannadie kind of Emo. That's good to know.
So you'd most likely see some more positive posts now since I have started feeling better about life in general. I can't guarantee 0 relapses into emo pitholes, but on the whole things should start looking better. :)
A few updates on life, to be done in sections that is.
Az, Awa and I are planning to create an Art committee called AKA (Art Known As), as an extension of Art Club to organise art-related activities and promote Visual Arts to the whole school. I dunno, we didn't plan on creating a comm at first but Ms Tong suggested it so we thought we'd give it a shot. We already have quite a few plans in mind...just have to get them through the red tape thingums, and sort some stuff out, and we should be fine.
I have LitRA Inkspiration to work with, and Art Club has Arts Advocacy vice chairperson YunTeng and member Kim to act as middlemen with the more publicised art comms in school. Plus Ms Tong seems to be pretty excited by her own admission. Things might really get to look good after all.
I tried out watercolour for the first time yesterday! Didn't like it at first, since I don't really favour watery mediums, but I realised I do like it particularly because it blends really well once you get the hang of it. Besides watercolour has this wispy feel that make things look ethereal and whitewashed, somehow rain-slicked, with a tint of melancholy mixed with nostalgia as if gazing at a faraway dream or's beautiful, unique and impacting in its own way. I think I'd really consider taking it up after all. It might work well with Copics too. :D
Terry has a new little terrapin to accompany him in the pond! We named the little terrapin Pinny. So it's Terry and Pinny. You know Pinny follows Terry practically everywhere? I observed them for about 10min one recess, just watching how Pinny lags behind Terry yet not daring to break off from the older terrapin. Man, nature is just so irresistably adorable.
I hope Terry feels better now that he has company. I've been thinking about it the whole always seemed to be so alone and sad and you know, like the only terrapin in a pond full of plants and other lifeforms like fish and insects? I don't think it feels very nice for Terry. I'm glad it has a small counterpart now. Take good care of Pinny haha!
Az and I are having more and more creepy incidents whereby we both talk about the same things at the same time! It's not just the "same"'s mainly how we just happen to open our mouths at the same TIME. Like some weird mechanism that clicks in both our minds or something. We often joke about how we seem to be on the same wavelength. I think it might be unconscious telepathy. Oh whatever it is, it has been happening more and more now, not that I'm complaining. It adds some interesting elements to life. ;)
Oh yeah. I WANT TO GO FOR THE ART JAP TRIP THIS JUNE!!! I love Japanese Art. Plus you know what? We're going to Ikebukuro! And Shinjuku! Durara anyone? Woot!!!
Plus Azalea wishes to go. We'd be fulfilling our promise of "just the two of us going to Japan without our parents one day" sooner than we expect! :D
I'm just worried about Coursework. There seems to be a bundle of hurdles that I need to overcome before I can qualify for the Jap Trip...need to do up a coursework timeline...ugh...I still dunno how long it takes to order canvas and prime them and buy all the necessary materials yet....=___= Ah well, will work it out somehow.
Port City finally made progress! Albeit a little, but significant. Seiran is now a Pirate and MG no longer exists, just that Seiran jumped ship so it's more of he "used to be a pirate".
Voila, life is good I guess. Work coming down...SAs...projects...assignments...but it's strangely exciting. I think it's mainly how Art seems to factor into my life a lot more now (now that I have art club) and all sorts of initiatives coming up from everything around me, plus sec 4 is slightly more manageable since after sec 3 we all kinda know what to expect. Creativity sure hypes things up.
Alright I should go do my things now. Eng FA. Hmm.
Thanks to all the blogs the designer referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities