" height="40" playcount="2"/>

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Macbook Pro

I can't believe it, my dad was so freakin' generous he actually decided to buy me the 15-inch macbook pro with the best specs, even though I myself was squirming at the price and was suggesting some tone-downs just to alleviate the financial pressure. I mean really, I wasn't expecting that at all. He gave me the impression that he would not spend anything on electronic devices that cost more than $1500 tops, but apparently he worked things out in his head this time round and figured it was fine to spend a shitload of cash on something really useful and long-lasting.

A'yup, I plan to use this com for a super long time in return. Spent my first coupla days rummaging through online manuals and reviews to stock up on computer management information...especially battery-wise, I'm just so bothered by the battery management. Apparently mac notebooks use lithium batteries and these require a different method of usage. Instead of trying to avoid the charger as much as possible, we're actually supposed to stick it in most of the time when using the com, and just make sure we calibrate the battery at least once a month to keep the charges flowing. That's something new. I guess it's better this way, I wouldn't be taxing the battery, nor would I be worrying about the time left before I have to start charging the com again.

So, my thoughts on the com...I guess I have to say I'm in love with it. It's kind of amazing how I could crossover from disliking the mac interface to loving it in just one night. I guess this sort of thing happens once you gain more knowledge of the subject.

Not to mention, TF2ing is a hell lot better now on this new com. It has 2 graphics cards with dynamic switching, and the gaming experience is just awesome with all those high-def details! The only problem left is just the occasional fluctuation of the wireless connection, but that's something I can't really help, and it doesn't really bother me too much anyway. As long as I get into a decent server, I can still play a really good game. All in all, man, I'm pleased. Really pleased.

Love mah new macpro. I hope it will accompany me all the way till after uni or even longer, that would be so worth it. Imagine doing architecture or graphic design on this beaut'...hmm...

~~~*Waited for the Winds at 11.05pm*~~~

Aurinya blogged at 11:05 PM

Roaming the Winds

Friday, November 18, 2011

Kicking the Door

I've been getting really frustrated with my parents again lately. After studying for months on end for EYAs and frikkin' HCL and Jap Os, now they're telling me, just one week after the final exam ended, that I have to start revising for JLPT and SAT and finish up that goddamn shit called e-learning, which apparently I'm supposed to review simply because they spent bucks on it and it's gonna end this december. Somehow, they just can't seem to leave me alone. I have to do be doing work. They like seeing me do work. That's perfectly understandable, considering how half-assed many KS China parents are, but that doesn't make it reasonable.

And yesterday my mom flew into a rage and ruined the night by scolding me for not flying back to China and being "filial" to my grandparents, all because I over-napped and she was pissed. I mean I can understand if she scolds me for over-napping, but not when she picks up some entirely irrelevant shit and shrieks around about it for hours on end just to let off steam. It's really pissing. Really pissing. Anyway, I'm already going Japan this December on the immersion trip, they seriously want me to fly to two countries in one holiday? It'd be wasting their money as well, and then when they're unhappy some other day, they'd scold me for it. What's the point, man?

I thought that my parents would at least be reasonable and I did think I could put up with 1h of Chinese everyday, even if HCL Os has just ended. But not this. Definitely not this, I'm NOT expecting them to suddenly throw me all sorts of shits and take away my hard-earned reprieve, simply because their asses are smoking when they see me being relaxed and enjoying myself. They can get their asses charred for all I care. I don't give a damn, really. 

This is gonna be my last holiday. I mean it. My last holiday as a teenager, before JC hits next year with two years worth of studying like shit for As, and then afterwards it's just more education and work. I wanted to make the best out of it. I wanted to catch up on all the fun I've missed in all the previous four years: gaming, hanging out with friends, painting till god knows when, staying up late and talking goof on MSN...hell, even running in the rain or going to some spiritual meditation place or something. I want to do all these things before age makes it impossible to do them without being looked upon weirdly. Not that I'd care about others at this rate, since I'm starting to learn not to care about others' expectations of me, but I'd like to do these things when I am still naturally entitled to do them. I want my own space. I want my own time.

I want my freedom, my freedom, goddamnit! Just WHERE the hell is it?!

Fuck SAT. Fuck JLPT. Fuck As. Fuck JC. And most importantly, fuck Chinese.

...I do believe I see why my room needs to be painted orange now.

~~~*Waited for the Winds at 9.01am*~~~

Aurinya blogged at 9:01 AM

Roaming the Winds


World of the Wind

Current Music: 町, 时の流れ, 人 - Clannad


About Me

Name: Aurinya

Age: 16

School: RI (JC)

Class: 13AO3B l H2Art

House: Hadley Hullet

CCA: Art Club

Favourite Artists: Fred Sandback l Lucian Freud l Francis Bacon l Van Gogh l Salvador Dali

Favourite Musicians: Joe Hisaishi

Favourite Singers / Bands: Linkin Park l Shinedown l Foo Fighters

Favourite Language(s): English & Japanese


Visual Art, music, poetry, dreaming, spirituality, philosophy


Authoritarianism, stupidity, tedium, meaningless things, busy schedules

A fan of:

Team Fortress 2, Portal 2, George Carlin, Improvaganza


Music of the Time:

1. Take a Walk - Passion Pit

2. I don't Mind - He is We

3. Boats and Birds - Gregory and the Hawk

4. Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks

5. Vanilla Twilight - Owl City

6. Call Me - Shinedown

7. Falling Slowly - Once

8. The Hill - Once

9. It was Love - Dima Bilan

10. Bronte - Gotye

Windfall '12

Further Improvement in Art

CG & Draw as well as TF2 Artists

To love

To be loved

Get recognised

Be a happier person

Get closer to nature

Find meaning in life

Survive the School Year


Aurinya (Deviantart)

Az (Deviantart)


Lou Shan

Kim Ho

Min Yi




Rebekah Lee

Port City

Art Initiatives 2011


~June 2008~
~July 2008~
~August 2008~
~September 2008~
~October 2008~
~November 2008~
~December 2008~
~January 2009~
~February 2009~
~March 2009~
~April 2009~
~May 2009~
~July 2009~
~August 2009~
~September 2009~
~October 2009~
~December 2009~
~January 2010~
~April 2010~
~May 2010~
~July 2010~
~September 2010~
~November 2010~
~December 2010~
~January 2011~
~February 2011~
~March 2011~
~April 2011~
~May 2011~
~June 2011~
~July 2011~
~August 2011~
~September 2011~
~October 2011~
~November 2011~
~December 2011~
~January 2012~
~March 2012~
~April 2012~
~May 2012~
~June 2012~
~July 2012~
~August 2012~
~September 2012~
~December 2012~


Fonts (Dobkin)
Main Pic

Thanks to all the blogs the designer referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)

Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities