Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sometimes I wish I still retained half the apathy I had earlier in the year, because I realised that I've indeed become too dependent on people over the past few months; I'm too used to having their presence in my vicinity, too used to having someone to turn to whenever I'm down and in need of human comfort...too used to being distracted and capable of forgetting myself anytime in the day. Well, a large part of myself that is. Not too long ago I've finally come to the dismal conclusion that I can't live with myself at all, and I'm tired...I'm just so tired nowadays, and I don't have a clue as to the reason for this crippling mental fatigue. There seems to be a rather disconcerting lack of interest in past passions (though I really hope that they're merely lying dormant somewhere) and an inability to do what I used to love - not art, not lit, not playing the piano or writing stories or taking strolls at night or letting myself get carried away by the adrenaline of gaming. My academics are crashing all around me. My friendships and relations are confusing me. My family is suffocating me. Worse still is the fact that I have begun to rapidly lose touch with my alternate realities and spiritual connections, the invisible reserves of faith and mystery that had once propelled me to find meaning in even the most insignificant of things.
Now, all of a sudden, I can't seem to feel them anymore.
Where are they? Where are all those things I used to love? Where have they gone, where am I now, and just who have I become?
Sometimes I feel as if I'm barely keeping myself above the surface, because now that I've regained the ability to truly care for others and love someone, I'm making myself extremely vulnerable by accepting these external ties and in the interim opening my heart to the rawest of brutalities. It drains me to care, but I want to - need to, because it's the last thing I can cling unto before I lose myself completely in the fracas of my own self-induced crises. Being able to say "I love you" is one of the strongest reassurances I've ever had; it lifts me from the deepest of ditches I've thrown myself into, and in those moments I'd feel as if my existence is just a little worthy because of what I'm able and willing to give.
I need you. I need to love you.
And that's why I can never...never stop being hurt.
Monday, July 30, 2012
...it's not sad, just a little saddening.
Anyway, I've been feeling rather sick the whole day and now I've got a mild headache and a bit of a temperature, and yet I can't bring myself to rest because there's just so much shit to clear in my backlog. I'm tired, so...so tired. Nowadays whenever I look at the great expanse of unlived years rolling out before my eyes, I feel this immense, crushing pressure and for a good while it becomes inexplicably hard to breathe, during which I'd find myself wishing fervently that I could just dissipate into blissful nothingness. No need to live or die or love or hate. No need to care. No need to be cared for, either, or be loved.
Just a little...nothing. Yeah. That'd be nice.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
'If you are going to have a myth of New Being, then ... you have to use this myth as a call to the highest and most difficult effort - and not to simple joy. A creative myth is not simply a relapse into comfortable illusion; it has to be as bold as possible in order to be truly generative.'
- The Denial of Death: What is the Heroic Individual? - The Limits of Human Nature (P 278 - 279)
' ... man has to have the "courage to be" himself, to stand on his own feet, to face up to the eternal contradictions of the real world. The bold goal of this kind of courage is to absorb into one's own being the maximum amount of nonbeing. As a being, as an extension of all of Being, man has an organismic impulsion: to take into his own organization the maximum amount of the problematic of life. His daily life, then, becomes truly a duty of cosmic proportions, and his courage to face the anxiety of meaninglessness becomes a true cosmic heroism. No longer does one do as God wills, set over against some imaginary figure in heaven. Rather, in one's own person he tries to achieve what the creative powers of emergent Being have themselves so far achieved with lower forms of life: the overcoming of that which would negate life. The problem of meaninglessness is the form in which nonbeing poses itself in our time ... the task of conscious beings at the height of their evolutionary destiny is to meet and vanquish this new emergent obstacle to sentient life. In this kind of ontology of immanence of the New Being, what we are describing is not a creature who is transformed and who transforms the world in turn in some miraculous ways, but rather a creature who takes more of the world into himself and develops new forms of courage and endurance.'
- The Denial of Death: What is the Heroic Individual? - The Limits of Human Nature (P 279)
' ... mystical experience seems to be near to perfect faith but is not. Mysticism lacks precisely the element of skepticism, and skepticism is a more radical experience, a more manly confrontation of potential meaninglessness. Even more, we must not forget that much of the time, mysticism as popularly practised is fused with a sense of magical omnipotence: it is actually a manic defense and a denial of creatureliness.'
- The Denial of Death: What is the Heroic Individual? - The Limits of Human Nature (P 280)
'Even with numerous groups of really liberated people, at their best, we can't imagine that the world will be any pleasanter or less tragic a place. It may even be worse in still unknown ways. ... New Being, under the conditions and limitations of existence, will only bring into play new and sharper paradoxes, new tensions, and more painful disharmonies - a "more intense demonism". Reality is remorseless because gods do not walk upon the earth; and if men could become noble repositories of great gulfs of nonbeing, they would have even less peace than we oblivious and driven madmen have today.'
- The Denial of Death: What is the Heroic Individual? - The Limits of Human Nature (P 281)
'The problem with all the scientific manipulators is that somehow they don't take life seriously enough ... taking life seriously means something such as this: that whatever man does on this planet has to be done in the lived truth of the terror of creation, of the grotesque, of the rumble of panic underneath everything. Otherwise it is false. Whatever is achieved must be achieved from within the subjective energies of creatures, without deadening, with the full exercise of passion, of vision, of pain, of fear, and of Sorrow. How do we know ... that our part of the meaning of the universe might not be a rhythm in sorrow? Manipulative, utopian science, by deadening human sensitivity, would also deprive men of the heroic in their urge to victory. And we know that in some very important way this falsifies our struggle by emptying us, by preventing us from incorporating the maximum of experience. It means the end of the distinctively human - or even, we must say, the distinctively organismic.'
- The Denial of Death: What is the Heroic Individual? - The Fusion of Science and Religion (P 284)
I finished the book. Yay.
I was reading the first couple of articles from the GP science and religion package during lunch today and there was a section on human experimentation, so I ended up - don't ask me - reading about it on the net. At first it was just casual googling and browsing through random lists and compilations of specific cases, but then it proceeded on to the Nazi experiments, North Korean camps, Unit 731 and, y'know...all that grisly crap. Wiki mentioned some related movies as well, so I watched about an hour of "Men Behind the Sun", and three clips or so from "Philosophy of the Knife".
Sunday, July 22, 2012
'...pain calls the body to the forefront of experience. It puts the person back into the center of things forcefully as a feeling animal. It is thus a natural complement to sadism. Both are techniques for experiencing forceful self-feeling, now in outer-directed action, now in passive suffering. Both give intensity in the place of vagueness and emptiness. Furthermore, to experience pain is to "use" it with the possibility of controlling it and triumphing over it. ... the masochist doesn't "want" pain, he wants to be able to identify its source, localize it, and so control it. Masochism is thus a way of taking the anxiety of life and death and the overwhelming terror of existence and congealing them into a small dosage. One then experiences pain from the terrifying power and yet lives through it without experiencing the ultimate threat of annihilation and death. ... the sado-masochistic combination is the perfect formula for transmuting the fear of death. ... this is a way of taking self-administered, homeopathic doses; the ego controls total pain, total defeat, and total humiliation by experiencing them in small doses as a sort of vaccination. ... we see the fascinating ingenuity of the perversions: the turning of pain, the symbol of death, into ecstasy and the experience of more-life.'
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Sometimes I feel such a strange desire to walk away from a person and vanish quietly from existence such that someone else may take my place and receive what he is able to give. But this 'desire' is perhaps not so much of desire as the resigned recognition of a self-imposed perception of need; the need to make someone else happy, the need to feel selfless, the need to free myself from my crippling existential guilt by convincing myself so thoroughly of my own worthlessness, of the fact that I'm not entitled to anything to begin with, that this very feeling of guilt saves me from falling into the abyss of my own collapsed value systems. What I give is recompense, and giving is merely an act of returning something I do not deserve to its rightful owner. I give to right a wrong. I give to efface myself.
Perhaps Heroism is applicable here after all, because even when I attempt so ruthlessly with such morbid (and maybe even masochistic) vigor to eliminate myself, I do so with the thought of bettering someone else's life in the process. At some subconscious level, I am unable to rid my mind of the idea that I matter - that no matter how much I prostrate myself, how derogatory my self-perceptions are, my existence still affects the world around me regardless of the smallness of magnitude. If I were gone, a worthier soul would have been born. If I were gone, the world wouldn't have had to waste resources on a sluice. If I were gone, my friends would have found better persons to love, to spend time with, to live more fulfilling lives with. If I were gone, if I were gone, if I were gone. But I'm not gone, and I most definitely won't be for a while. The world I come into contact with would be influenced whether I like it or not. The past is set in a certain way, the present is as it is now, the future is heading in some direction, all because I've been born, and am still existing, living, breathing and moving on this plane. Things have happened because I'm here. Things would have happened if I'm not. I am unable to completely erase myself.
And so I beat myself to the ground, minute by minute, second by excruciating second, over and over and over and over again.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Yesterday I dreamt of finding a rusty old coin that was jagged around the edges with one half bent slightly upwards, and I remember turning it over and over in my hand, noticing how the reddish-brown color was unevenly distributed across the surface and revealed tiny patches of nearly unblemished silver underneath. At that point in time I was standing on the edge of a cliff with my back turned to the massive, gaping entrance of some age-old cave, watching a procession of plain wooden chariots wind through the expanse of valleys that spread to the far end of the horizon. The air was dusty and the cloudless sky was mellowed with a sort of soft, golden light. Everything felt timeless; forgotten, untouched, abandoned...preserved, and all I remember from that scene is how the ancient warmth flooded the place but left as little impression as a fleeting breath, because somehow, somehow...I had the notion that it was a dimension I did not belong to.
Friday, July 13, 2012
'...the terrible guilt feelings of the depressed person are existential, that is, they represent the failure to live one's own life, to fulfill one's own potential because of the twisting and turning to be "good" in the eyes of the other. The other calls the tune to one's eligibility for immortality, and so the other takes up one's unlived life. Relationship is thus always slavery of a kind, which leaves a residue of guilt ... hardly sum up all the guilt that the patient feels, or at least accuses himself of. To judge by his own self-accusations of worthlessness, the patient feels an immense burden of guilt. We have to understand this self-accusation not only as a reflection of guilt over unlived life but also as a language for making sense out of one's situation. In short, even if one is a very guilty hero he is at least a hero in the same hero-system. The depressed person uses guilt to hold onto his objects and to keep his situation unchanged. Otherwise he would have to analyse it or be able to move out of it and transcend it. Better guilt than the terrible burden of freedom and responsibility, especially when the choice comes too late in life for one to be able to start over again. Better guilt and self-punishment when you cannot punish the other - when you cannot even dare to accuse him, as he represents the immortality ideology with which you have identified. If your god is discredited, you yourself die; the evil must be in yourself and not in your god, so that you may live. With guilt you lose some of your life but avoid the greater evil of death. The depressed person exaggerates his guilt because it unblocks his dilemma in the safest and easiest way.'
- The Denial of Death: A General View of Mental Illness - Depression (P. 214)
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I'm not sure if you received the sms I sent about a couple of hours ago, but I've decided to go ahead and give you a full account of my take on this situation, since it's quite difficult to convey everything clearly in a running dialogue and I seem to be rather bad at communicating my thoughts very well face-to-face. You see, Ahmad told me on the train about what transpired in the art room yesterday, and after a pretty long and immersive discussion we agreed that we have now reached the point where something has to be done. I'm sure you know what that something entails. This limbo state that has persisted for the past few weeks cannot be allowed to drag on anymore.
3) You wonder why she appears so cold and aloof, why she's pointedly ignoring you, why she appears so pissed and dejected lately. On one hand, I shall very honestly say that I do not approve of the way she's being so possessive and rather unreasonable; it's perfectly understandable if she's hurt and doesn't hesitate to make it known, but expressing it in the form of hostility and acting as if you're obliged to devote all your time and energy to her is another thing altogether. Because you aren't. If someone tells you that he'll always be there whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, it is only naive, selfish and unjustified, and perhaps to some extent blindly desperate, if you bind him to such a promise and fervently believe that he would keep it. If you really do love a person in any way, one of your chief concerns should be about respecting his own freedom, time and space, and I don't think she's doing it. But on the other hand, I believe that she may be adopting this hostile attitude towards you precisely because she's confused and frustrated. Remember all that bullshit between YanYong and Ahmad? Just as I thought, it was all a massive misunderstanding stemming from a lack of communication between the two of them, drawn out by uncertainty, suspicion and hesitation on both sides. This is something similar...or at least it's going to be. What I know about Yunteng right now is, of course, far too little to make any well-informed judgment, but at least I think it is clear that for all her defensive set of cold stares, hard silences and ostensible evasion, what lies underneath is most likely a mixture of unspoken desire, hurt feelings, confusion, frustration, doubt, insecurity, hopelessness, and desperation. The way she feels entitled to your time and attention could even bespeak a desperate attempt to convince herself that you'll go back to her after what she believes is a temporary diversion. Like what I mentioned before, she thinks you've left her for something she doesn't know, but she doesn't want to believe in the prospect of you really having done so. She tries to hold on to you but you unknowingly shake her off, like that time in art room this Monday when you left her to sit beside me (even if it may be because your pencil-case was beside mine). This prolonged limbo is just making it worse.
4) I'm not sure if you realised, but this no longer just concerns the three of us (you, yunteng and me). The whole art class is starting to get dragged in bit by bit over the past few weeks, starting from people like Batara, Yanyong and Eugene etc. People aren't obtuse, and they most definitely aren't oblivious. Anyone can tell a feeling of tension apart from an air of complete ease, not to mention it's even more palpable when two people who used to be so close together are now appearing so distant from each other. What Ahmad was worried about is the fact that Yunteng, while rapidly beginning to warm up to 'new' people who have been friendly and caring towards her lately (like Batara and Ahmad), may be unconsciously drawing sides in the art class...something which could aggravate the sense of division that is already growing in the art class as of late. And I agree with him on this. The art class is so small. We can't afford to split up any further.
Ahmad and Yanyong said they thought you were selfish, jeopardising the harmony of the art class by not wanting to tell the truth and let things out into the open for 'personal preference', but I know that your hesitation right now is not owing to selfishness because I understand your reasons. I know you're scared. I know it's not easy. I know it's hard to make a decision and go for it when it's something so exasperatingly delicate. But please, Yu Xuan, please. There isn't time anymore. There's no time at all. We've already deliberated enough and lost that window of opportunity to tell her when she was in a good mood, which was some time last week. Now your friendship is very visibly strained...and we're really worried for the two of you. I'm not talking about my happiness here. I'm talking about yours, Yunteng's, everyone else's, and subsequently mine.
You told me earlier in the year that you prefer to deal with things when they're out in the open. You told me you want people to stop hiding things from one another.
What are you so scared of? What's holding you back?
There's nothing that can't be solved even if you screw up; at least you can pick up the pieces, rearrange everything, and we'd be getting somewhere. But one thing that's certain is that this will never be resolved if you don't do anything. It will just get worse. Worse, worse, worse and worse.
Tell her, Yu Xuan. Tell her. Not one day, not someday, not soon, but now. Don't delay it anymore, please, for the sake of both of you and the art class. I'm here. I'll support you. I'll be there when you take the next step as well.
...because I love you, and because I love you, I want you to muster the courage and find the strength to resolve this and make things better for yourself.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
The rubber band broke.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
What I said:
"Hi, sorry it seems like my phone screwed up again and didn't send the message I sent a few days ago, I think. For the designs, I'm afraid your extra info came in a bit too late because I've gotten the club to design some drafts on wed already, as previously agreed, and we're unable to do it again next week due to other plans. They are brief pencil drafts, but if you would like to have them all the same I can email them to you. Otherwise I think you might have to make do with your fellow councillors' designs, like yunteng's and bj's, sorry about that."
What I really meant to say:
"Fuck you."
I would like very much to kill this CCAD right now.
Anyway that aside, Art Club's doing pretty well lately, or rather things are coming along quite steadily. We're having an outing next wednesday to visit one of two exhibitions that Miss Tan suggested, since Mrs Toh still hasn't found a digital painting instructor yet, and it appears that Miss Poh and Dr Gooi will also be tagging along. Not quite sure about their intentions for coming along, though. It will be our first self-organised outing this year, so I guess I'm feeling a bit of pressure, but nothing I can't handle.
Right now I'm just a little worried about what to plan for Art Club after next week because Mrs Toh said she'll take at least a few weeks to find a proper instructor, so I'll have to make do with alternate plans to fill up the gap. I'll probably get Thuy to source for some CIP projects, and meanwhile I should get started on contacting either Film or Com Science and forge plans for prospects of collaboration. I've already gotten the club to throw in some ideas for a big(ger) project next year, but so far there's nothing concrete...still thinking, haha. Not much time left though. Hm.
Oh well. Back to PW.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
I realised that I do have a lot of things to say after all but because I'm feeling rather helplessly drained now I'm going to type everything I wish to articulate in a mindless and very nearly unpunctuated rant that will hopefully make it a lot harder to read and save myself from horrible embarrassment but I want you to know that I love you so much and the fact that lately we can no longer spend so much time together makes me realise the almost excruciating strength of this love and sometimes I wish so badly to be able to go to your side whenever I want and hold your hand even if the whole exchange is in absolute silence but then when I look up and think of approaching you I see yunteng sitting near you and I stop myself at the sight of her contented smile or blissfully blank countenance because I don't want to be the one to intrude and wipe it all away for her and so I turn around and look down at my painting as if nothing happened and that everything is just fine the way it is and I want you to know that because I love you I want you to be happy and because I love you I try my best to make things better for you even if it's through insignificant little things like buying you lunch by the way sorry for the bitter-ass shit coffee today I was ignorant about your dislike for such beverages but I really hope I'm not overdoing things and I really hope I'm not doing things wrong because I love you so much I don't want this to end and I don't want you to leave me and I shamefully admit that sometimes when I see yunteng beside you looking so much like a better and more positive match I really wonder what you ever saw in me past all my flaws and despicable qualities and my inability to give you anything you might be proud of and I'm scared that one day you'll no longer need me and now that you're able to open up to people unlike last time you may find someone else with more to give and a better personality and yes I know it's probably all self-induced as a result of all my stupid insecurities but I'm trying to shake it off and I think I'll need heck loads of time but anyway even so I also want you to know that because I love you I will be giving you all the freedom you want and I want you to make more fulfilling friendships such that our relationship doesn't feed off an unhealthy need so I'll respect your decisions when reasonably made and by that I specifically mean the whole yunteng issue because I can sense that yunteng's good mood over the past couple of days may make you cease to perceive any point in telling her about us but if that removes most of the stress and makes you happy then go ahead I'll deal so don't worry I'm not going to bind you to me so please be free to do whatever because I love you and I trust that you'll be able to handle things well on your own and not hurt yourself like you used to
Thanks to all the blogs the designer referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities